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Annie Naughton, PA-C

Service: Urology
Board Certifications:
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
Areas of Clinical Interest:
Pediatrics Urology

Advanced Practice School: Saint Joseph’s University (2023)
Undergraduate: The Catholic University of America (2021)

Clinic Locations: Fairfax

Service: Urology
Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania and moved to Washington, DC for my undergraduate, and then to Philadelphia to attend PA School.
Why did you become a doctor and why did you choose your specialty?
I chose to pursue the medical profession because it provided the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others, and allowed me to embrace my innate drive to care and serve others. I chose pediatrics because it is a field that allows providers to help nurture and shape the growth and development of all their patients ranging from birth to adulthood!
How long have you practiced in the Washington, DC area and what do you like most about it?
I conducted many clinical rotations in the DC area and after attending undergrad here, I knew I wanted to start my career in a city that has so much history and vibrancy, along with outstanding pediatric care.
What do you most enjoy doing outside of your clinical practice, when you’re not working?
One of my favorite things to do in my free time is run. I was a competitive runner my whole life, and now am checking off all the DC half marathons I can find time to participate in!
Describe your proudest accomplishment as a provider and/or in your personal life:
Being accepted into and completing PA School is one of my proudest accomplishments. It was a dream I had chased since college, and I gave all my time and energy to gaining the most from the experience, which was a wonderful lesson that I now carry into my professional career.
If you weren’t a doctor, what profession would you most likely be doing and why?
If I weren’t a PA, I would likely be an elementary school teacher as that occupation is similarly rewarded by being a person who can positively impact the growth and development of children.